Produces a barplot with the most frequently used IgH and IgK/L Vgenes.
Either (for platypus version "v2") output from VDJ_analyze function. This should be a list of clonotype dataframes, with each list element corresponding to a single VDJ repertoire, OR (for platypus version "v3") the the VDJ matrix output of the VDJ_GEX_matrix() function (VDJ.GEX.matrix.output[[1]])
Character. Defaults to "sample_id". Column name of VDJ to group plot by.
Numeric value indicating the top genes to be dispayed. If this number is higher than the total number of unique HC V genes in the VDJ repertoire, then this number is equal to the number of unique HC V genes.
Logical indicating whether to make a barplot of the LC V genes distribution. Default is set to FALSE.
Numeric value indicating the top genes to be dispayed. If this number is higher than the total number of unique LC V genes in the VDJ repertoire, then this number is equal to the number of unique LC V genes.
Character. Defaults to "v3". Can be "v2" or "v3" dependent on the input format
logical value indicating whether the VDJ input was generated from bulk-sequencing data using the bulk_to_vgm function. If is.bulk = T, the VDJ_Vgene_usage_barplot function is compatible for use with bulk data. Defaults to False (F).
Returns a list of ggplot objects which show the distribution of IgH and IgK/L V genes for the most used V genes.
if (FALSE) {
VDJ_Vgene_usage_barplot(VDJ = Platypus::small_vgm[[1]],
HC.gene.number = 2, platypus.version = "v3")